Image Gallery

Here are some interesting video clips showing part of our studies. We plan to add more images and videos!

Three-dimensional view of a tumor spheroid

Rotational view of a tumor (red)-fibroblast (green) co-culture spheroid. Details of this sample are described in our recent publication.

The above 3D presentation of the spheroid was made by C. Langanis (2019 REU student). The high-resolution version of this video clip (link (4.3MB)) can be best viewed in a Google Cardboard on your phone. If you have trouble playing the video on your phone, it is recommended you use the VLC app and turn on “Repeat Mode.”

Growth of a zebrafish embryo

The image sequence showing the growth of a zebrafish embryo. The images were recorded and processed by C. Langanis (2019 REU student).

High-resolution version is also available (link (1.0MB)).